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About us

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Based in Barcelona and with over 20 years experience teaching English to adults and companies, we've designed courses and materials for a range of different levels and course types. But above all, we're passionate about teaching. This passion makes us strive to deliver the best classes possible in a fun, varied and effective way. So, contact us now and let us know how we can help your team. 

Suzy Ratcliff

Moving to teaching 100% online in 2020 was a big challenge for both us and our students. After that steep learning curve and lots of trial and error, we soon discovered the advantages of online teaching and since then we haven’t looked back. Our students love the flexibility, consistent quality of classes, and convenience of meeting their teacher and classmates online, whether connecting from home or the office. We really believe that our online classes are just as good (if not better!) than face-to-face ones. But don’t just take our word for it - read these testimonials below and see for yourself!

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Rob Sawyer

Casual Meeting
The 30 minutes in pairs format is perfect for me! Meeting my teacher and classmate every week is the highlight of the day and I’m always motivated to attend. We get intensive speaking practice through fun activities and always learn some new expressions to take away and use in our day-to-day lives. 100% recommend!

Javier, Sales Rep, Food Industry (Barcelona)

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